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Mar 12, 2012

Foods that fight breast cancer

Once the rare disease, breast cancer is now widespread .Food habits are directly connected with cancer. A well balanced natural diet containing seasonally available fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products would help reduce breast cancer risk and promote general health. When possible prefer organically grow foods to commercially grown agricultural products that use pesticides, insecticides and chemical fertilizers. A proper chart of diet might be helpful during treatment time. We can include following health promoting items in our daily diet.
1. A small quantity of dry fruits: almonds, pistachio, walnuts, dates etc.
2. A small quantity of good quality of fats.
3. Daily intake one or two fresh fruits.
4. Vegetables: fresh green leafy vegetables, cabbage, sweat potatoes, carrots, tomatoes etc.
5. Fresh buttermilk promotes digestion and provides nutrients.
6. If appetite and digestion are poor, take 1 teaspoon of freshly ginger, honey or lemon juice.
7. Use spices like turmeric, cumin, coriander, cloves etc. in cooking to make food tasty and to promote digestion.  
It is advisable to avoid foods made from white refined flour, white sugar, bakery products, saturated fats, pop drinks, canned foods, foods containing artificial flavors and colors and chemical preservatives. This items are hard to digest and could to toxic wastes in the body. So everywomen should have good food practices to avoid the risk of breast cancer.    

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